In the gates, i.e. in the great assemblies, which were usually in the gates. Compare Proverbs 31:31 Isaiah 3:26. These gates he elegantly opposeth to the former, and declareth that if he be brought off them, he will go into these. Of the daughter of Zion; either,

1. Of Jerusalem, so called also Isaiah 1:8 Malachi 9:9, because at this time it was subject to Zion; which at this time was the seat of the king's palace, and of the ark. For cities or towns belonging or subject unto any metropolis are commonly called its daughters, as Joshua 15:45 2 Chronicles 13:19 Psalms 48:11; as the chief cities are called mothers, as 2 Samuel 20:19 Galatians 4:26. Or,

2. Of the people who live in, or belong to, or meet together for civil and religious matters in Zion. For cities are as it were mothers to their people, giving them birth and breeding, and therefore the people are commonly called their daughters. So the names of the daughters of Egypt, Jeremiah 46:11, and of Edom, Lamentations 4:21,22, and of Tyre, Psalms 45:12, and of Babel, Psalms 137:8, and of Jerusalem, Lamentations 2:13,15 Mic 4:8, are put for the people of those places. I will rejoice, to wit, with spiritual joy and thanksgiving; else it were no fit motive to be used to God in prayer.

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