PSALM 93 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm contains an assertion or declaration of God's sovereign and universal dominion in and over the whole world; which is here set forth, partly for the comfort of God's church and people against all the assaults of their numerous and potent adversaries; and partly to give an intimation and assurance of the accomplishment of that great promise of the kingdom of the Messias, which was not to be confined to the Israelites, but to be extended to all the nations of the earth; which, though wonderful in our eyes, the supreme and almighty Ruler of the world could easily effect. This and the six following Psalms, according to the opinion of the Hebrew doctors, belong to the times of the Messias. A description of the majesty, Psalms 93:1, and power of God, Psalms 93:2. The certainty of God's word, and necessity of holiness in God's house, Psalms 93:5. The Lord reigneth: he is the King and Governor, not only of Israel, but of the whole world, as the last clause of the verse expounds it; and accordingly he will in his due time set up his empire over all nations, in the hands of his Son the Messias. Is clothed with strength: that majesty and strength which he always had in himself, he now hath, and will shortly much more show it forth in the eyes of all people. The effect of God's government of the world shall be this, that he will order and overrule all the confusions, and divisions, and hostilities in the world, so as they shall end in an orderly, peaceable, and happy settlement, and in the erection of that kingdom of the Messias which can never be moved.

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