And the nations were angry; those who have not been of thy true Israel, but old or modern Gentiles, they have been angry long enough. And thy wrath is come; now it is time for thee to show thyself angry, and thou hast begun to do it. And the time of the dead, that they should be judged; the time is come for thee to judge the cause of thy faithtful witnesses, and all those who have died in testimony to thy truth. And that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets; and for thee to reward such as have faithfully revealed thy will. And to the saints; and not only them, but all thy holy ones. And them that fear thy name, small and great; without respect to their quality in the world, be they little or great. And shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth; the time also is come, when thou hast destroyed, or wilt destroy, that antichristian brood, which so long hath plagued the earth, and destroyed thy people in it.

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