Revelation 13:1

REVELATION CHAPTER 13 REVELATION 13:1 A beast with seven heads and ten horns riseth out of the sea, to whom the dragon giveth his power, wherewith he blasphemeth God, and vexeth the saints. REVELATION 13:11 Another beast cometh up out of the earth, which supporteth the worship of the former beast. R... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:2

Daniel, in his vision of the Chaldaic, Persian, Grecian, and Roman monarchies, by which the world was successively ruled from his time to St. John s, and many years after, had the first represented to him by a lion, for its nobleness and fierceness; the second by a bear, for its cruelty; the third,... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:3

AND I SAW ONE OF HIS HEADS; that is, the leopard's head. AS IT WERE WOUNDED TO DEATH: the seven heads of this beast are interpreted by the Spirit of God himself, to be SEVEN KINGS, REVELATION 17:10, i.e. seven forms of sovereign government in the Roman state, and these successive one to another; for... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:4

AND THEY WORSHIPPED THE DRAGON: by _the dragon, _ here, is to be understood the devil. WHICH GAVE POWER UNTO THE BEAST; who gave power to these emperors; not that they did so directly, but interpretatively; they worshipped idols, which ordinarily in Scripture are called devils. AND THEY WORSHIPPED T... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:5

AND THERE WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM A MOUTH SPEAKING GREAT THINGS AND BLASPHEMIES: by _him_ here must be meant antichrist, (as appears by the forty-two months, his period, being the same with one thousand two hundred and sixty days), both the secular power of the emperors of Rome at this time, and the eccl... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:6

That is, antichrist opened his mouth to blaspheme God. Mr. Mede noteth well, that antichrist's time must not be counted from his beginning to persecute, but from his beginning to blaspheme, either by maintaining pernicious doctrine, or setting up idolatrous worship; for till the year 1206, when the... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:7

God showeth John, that after antichrist had gone on blaspheming the name, and tabernacle, and saints of God, some years, the devil should influence him also TO MAKE WAR against God's holy ones, and he would suffer him TO OVERCOME THEM; and he should have a POWER OVER ALL THE NATIONS of that part of... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:8

God here showed his prophet the general subjection that would be of all people to the papacy, except some few, whom he had chosen to eternal life and salvation, whom Christ had redeemed with his blood, and would preserve from this pollution.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:9

Either, let him hear what hath been already said, and take heed that he be not one of those that worship the beast; or, let him hear what followeth concerning the ruin of antichrist and his adherents: but from the usage of this phrase in other scriptures, where it is oft made use of to stir up atten... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:10

As it was God's manner by the prophets of old, when he had denounced judgments against his people, to comfort them by a prediction of the ruin of their enemies; so here, by this his New Testament prophet, he assureth his church, that antichrist also should have his period, and have the same measure... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:11

There are great disputes about this other beast, who is represented or signified by it. The popish writers say it is some eminent impostor, who shall appear in the world before the coming of antichrist. Others would have it to be magic practised by Apollonius Thyaneus, the vanity of which notion Dr.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:12

THE POWER OF THE FIRST BEAST was to speak _great words and blasphemies, and to make war with, and overcome the saints, _ REVELATION 13:5,7. This power also should be exercised by the papacy, (according to this prophecy), and time hath witnessed the truth of it. And as, before he arrived at the heigh... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:13

AND HE DOETH GREAT WONDERS; _lying wonders,_ 2 THESSALONIANS 2:9, such as, by God's permission, false prophets might do, DEUTERONOMY 13:1,2. Prophets were to be judged true or false, not from any signs or wonders which they did, but from the doctrine they taught, and would by those signs establish.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:14

The Lord showeth his prophet by what means the papacy should cheat the world, viz. by pretences of miracles, which it had a power to work, (the doctrines of the Church of Rome to this are sufficiently known), all which are done IN THE SIGHT OF THE BEAST, that is, to his honour, and to gain him a rep... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:15

The beast, mentioned REVELATION 13:11, HAD POWER TO GIVE LIFE unto this new formed idolatry, conformable to that of the pagans, in which the old beast again lived: he gave life to it by his decrees and bulls, and canon laws, and by his excommunications and censures of those that would not comply wit... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:16

No particular character is here to be understood, but only the general imposition of the Romish faith upon all sorts of persons. His _mark_ was nothing else but either the profession of his faith and religion, or a vowed subjection to his commands, which we know is the practice of the papacy where i... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:17

OLBGrk; AND THAT NO MAN MIGHT BUY OR SELL: this the popish church effects by its excommunications; it was begun in the council of Lateran, anathematizing all who entertained any of the Waldenses, or traded with them; and the late learned bishop of Armagh, in his book Deu Successione Ecclesiae, hath... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 13:18

HERE IS WISDOM; that is, Herein is the wisdom, the unsearchable wisdom, of God seen in the trial of his church; or, (which is more probably the sense), this is a point will exercise the wisdom of men. LET HIM THAT HATH UNDERSTANDING COUNT THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST; let him that is spiritually wise cou... [ Continue Reading ]

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