REVELATION CHAPTER 20 Revelation 20:1 Satan bound for a thousand years. Revelation 20:4 The first resurrection. Revelation 20:7 Satan again let loose gathereth Gog and Magog to battle, who are devoured with fire. Revelation 20:10 The devil cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. Revelation 20:11 The general resurrection, and last judgment. Chapter Introduction We are now come to the darkest part of the whole revelation. What is meant by the thousand years, and the first and second resurrection, and by Gog and Magog, Revelation 20:1, or the new heavens and new earth, and the Jerusalem coming down from heaven, discoursed on, Revelation 21:1:21, is very hard to say, and possibly much more cannot with any probability be conjectured as to them than hath been already said. I shall only tell my reader that, leaving him to judge what is most probable, and leaving it to he Divine Providence to give us a certain and infallible exposition of what is contained in these last three Chapter s. The description of this angel can agree to none but Christ, or one that exerciseth a power by delegation from him: for, Revelation 1:18, it is he who hath the power of hell and death; and it is he who alone is stronger than the devil, which must be supposed to him that binds him, or we must think the devil much tamer than he is.

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