REVELATION CHAPTER 3 Revelation 2:1 What John was commanded to write in commendation or reproof to the angels of the churches of Sardis, Revelation 2:7 Philadelphia, Revelation 2:14 and Laodicea. The angel of the church: See Poole on "Revelation 2:12". Write: See Poole on "Revelation 1:11". The seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars: See Poole on "Revelation 1:3", See Poole on "Revelation 1:20". I know thy works: this phrase here (as appears from what follows) can signify nothing but Christ's comprehension of the works of this church in his understanding, not his approbation of them. That thou hast a name that thou livest; the ministry of this church had a name, that is, were reported as famous for their faith, diligence, and holiness; but their faith, without suitable works, was dead, and they were no better than hypocrites. And art dead; spiritually dead.

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