Now follow the sins against the second table, which reigned amongst the Gentiles; amongst which unrighteousness is as the fountain, from whence the rest as streams do flow. This is the genus that comprehends all the evils hereafter enumerated. It is not to be supposed that all the following vices were found in every individual person; but the meaning is, that all were guilty of some, and some were guilty of all of them. Fornication, wickedness; in the Greek there is all elegant paronomasia, porneia, ponhria. So there are two more in the following verses, fyonou, fonou, asunetoi, asunyetoi. The design of the apostle is, to set down a particular vice; therefore, instead of wickedness, some read troublesomeness, or a desire to procure trouble and molestation to another. The devil is called oo ponhrov, the troublesome one. Maliciousness; or, mischievousness, the better to distinguish it from envy. Malignity; or, morosity and churlishness, taking all things in the worser part. Whisperers: whisperers speak evil privily of others; backbiters, openly.

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