He answers an objection, that some one might make in behalf of the Jews, to excuse them; that they could not believe, because they had not heard; and faith, as in the foregoing verse, comes by hearing. To this he answers, that the gospel was published to the whole world; therefore the Jews must needs have heard it. That the gospel had been preached all the world over, he proves by a testimony taken ont of Psalms 19:4: q. d. David tells you, that all have heard, or might hear; for the sound of the gospel is gone out into all the earth. Objection. But David speaks of the works of God, as the heavens, the firmament, &c. Answer. Some think the apostle only alludes to this place, \Psalms 19:4\ and doth not allege it. Others think that the psalmist doth literally and historically speak of the heavens, &c.; and prophetically of the apostles, and preachers of the gospel. By all the earth, in this verse, you may understand the greatest part of it; and by the ends of the world, the remote parts thereof.

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