Romans 11:1

ROMANS CHAPTER 11 ROMANS 11:1 God hath not so far cast off all Israel, but that a remnant is saved by grace, not by works. ROMANS 11:7 The judicial blindness of the rest is prophesied of in Scripture. ROMANS 11:11 The consequence both of their fall and conversion with regard to the Gentile world. RO... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:2

GOD HATH NOT CAST AWAY HIS PEOPLE WHICH HE FOREKNEW: here he makes a further answer to the forementioned objection: by way of distinction, he distinguishs the people of God into such as are foreknown, and such as are not foreknown: and as for the former of these, he says, they are not rejected of Go... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:3

See 1 KINGS 19:10,14. DIGGED DOWN THINE ALTARS: these were not the altars of the high places, for they are commended that cast them down; nor the altars in the temple at Jerusalem, for they were out of the reach of the ten tribes, against whom Elias complains: but such altars (say some) as the godly... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:4

THE ANSWER OF GOD; the word properly signifieth the oracle, or answer of God given in the tabernacle from the mercy-seat; but it is generally taken for any Divine answer, or direction received from God: see MATTHEW 2:12 HEBREWS 11:7, where the same word is used. The apostle doth not repeat the whole... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:5

q.d. As it was in the times of Elias, so it is now; THERE IS A REMNANT of the Jews, which God hath graciously elected; therefore their rejection is not total, which was the thing to be proved. Though those that believe are few in respect of those that believe not, as a remnant is but little in respe... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:6

This verse depends upon the former; and though it doth not seem to appertain to the argument the apostle had in hand, yet, by the direction of the Spirit, he takes the little occasion that is offered, to show, that election and vocation are only by grace, and not by works. This he had spoken to befo... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:7

WHAT THEN? q. d. My discourse comes to this, or this is the sum of it. ISRAEL HATH NOT OBTAINED THAT WHICH HE SEEKETH FOR; i.e. the body of the Jewish nation, seeking righteousness and life by the works of the law, have not obtained it, or they have not hit the mark; they aimed at it, but they shot... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:8

IT IS WRITTEN; viz. in ISAIAH 6:9, ISAIAH 29:10. THE SPIRIT OF SLUMBER; the word signifieth, such a dead sleep, as those have, who are pricked or stung with venomous beasts, out of which they hardly or never awake. UNTO THIS DAY: q.d. So it was of old, and so it is still. Or else these words (the fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:9

Ver. 9,10. DAVID SAITH; viz. in PSALMS 69:22,23. The apostle tieth not himself to the very words of the psalmist, but being guided by the same Spirit by which David wrote, he adds and alters some words, without diminishing the sense. LET THEIR TABLE BE MADE A SNARE, &C.: some take these words for a... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:11

Hitherto he hath showed that the rejection of the Jews is not total. Now he comes to prove that it is not final; that before the end of the world they shall be generally called and converted; that they, together with the Gentiles that believe, shall make one sheepfold, and one flock under one Shephe... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:12

Another anticipation. The apostle having showed, that the falling away of the Jews was an occasion of the coming in of the Gentiles, it might be objected, that the conversion of the Jews might likewise be an occasion of the falling away of the Gentiles. To this he answers negatively, and confirms hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:13

i.e. I SPEAK TO YOU of being rich in the faith above the Jews, because I challenge a special interest in you, _inasmuch as_ I AM appointed to be THE APOSTLE OF THE GENTILES, and am sent chiefly unto them: see ROMANS 15:16 ACTS 9:15, ACTS 13:2 22:21 26:17 GALATIANS 1:16, GALATIANS 2:7 EPHESIANS 3:8 2... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:14

q.d. And I thus extol God's favour and mercy to you, that it may be a means (if God please) to provoke the Jews, that are my own flesh and blood, to a holy emulation or jealousy, _\see ROMANS 11:11\_ when they shall see the Gentiles possess what was promised to them. QUESTION. How doth he say, that... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:15

This verse contains an argument to prove the calling of the Jews; not a new one, but that repeated which you had before, ROMANS 11:12; the substance is the same, only the terms differ: there he spake of the fall and diminishing of the Jews, here, of their casting away; there it was the riches, here... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:16

Here is another argument to prove the Jews are not finally rejected, because of the covenant made with their fathers. IF THE FIRST-FRUIT BE HOLY: some make a difference between _the first-fruit, _ and _the root, _ in the latter part of the verse. By _the first-fruit_ they understand the apostles and... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:17

In this, and some following verses, the apostle digresses a little, and takes occasion to prevent the insulting of the Gentiles over the Jews; as also to persuade them to take warning by their example. IF SOME OF THE BRANCHES BE BROKEN OFF; the unbelieving Jews. AND THOU; a believing Gentile: though... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:18

BOAST NOT AGAINST THE BRANCHES; i.e. against the Jews, who, because of their unbelief, are broken off; as if by nature thou wert better than they, or more worthy of that grace which is bestowed on thee. The word signifies: Throw not up thy neck, do not carry thyself scornfully and insultingly. BUT I... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:19

Ver. 19,20. Here he brings in the Gentiles, alleging a reason for their insulting over the Jews; because the Jews were broken off, that they might give place, or make way, for them; and the less worthy do always give place to the more worthy. To this he answers, first, by way of concession: Well, (s... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:21

This verse is a reason of the forementioned admonition: q.d. If God proceeded with so much severity against his ancient people the Jews, you Gentiles may in reason expect as great severity, if you take not heed to yourselves, and to your standing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:22

In this verse, he further persuades the Gentiles to humility and godly fear, and suggesteth several reasons for it. The first is taken from the example of God's SEVERITY to the Jews; they falling into apostacy and unbelief, are generally cut off and cast away. A second reason is taken from the free... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:23

Here he adds another argument, to repress the arrogance and insulting of the Gentiles; and it is taken from the hope of the Jews restoration. Though for the present they seem to be in a desperate and forlorn condition, yet the restoring and re-ingrafting of them into the church is not impossible. Th... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:24

He here shows the probability, as well as possibility, of the Jews conversion, because God hath done that which is more unlikely: q.d. If the Gentiles, which were a kind of wild olive branches, were grafted into a good olive tree, the church of God, which is contrary to nature, seeing men use to gra... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:25

Here he shows there is not only a possibility and probability, but a certainty of the Jews conversion and calling. This he calleth a MYSTERY, or a secret; though it was revealed in the Scripture, (as you will hear), yet it was not understood; nay, the manner, the number, and the time of their conver... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:26

Here is a third and chief part of the aforementioned _mystery, _ that in the end, ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED. By _Israel_ is not meant the whole church of God, consisting of Jews and Gentiles; so that word is used, GALATIANS 6:16, and elsewhere; for then, what he spake would have been no mystery at a... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:27

Ver. 27,28. Here an objection is obviated: the Gentiles might object and say, The Jews can never return and be saved, forasmuch as they have rejected the gospel, and are therefore hated of God. To this he answers by way of concession, that it was true indeed, they had rejected the gospel, and for th... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:29

These words, considered simply and abstractedly, afford this truth; That the special gifts of God, his election, justification, adoption, and in particular effectual calling, are irrevocable. God never repents of giving, nor we of receiving them. It is otherwise with common gifts and graces, 1 SAMUE... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:30

Ver. 30,31. This is the last argument, to prove the conversion and calling of the Jews, which is further confirmed, ROMANS 11:32. The argument is taken from the like dealing of God with the Gentiles; after a long time of infidelity, he received them to mercy; therefore he will also at last receive t... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:32

q.d. God hath, in just judgment, shut up both Jews and Gentiles, equally and successively, in unbelief, as in a prison, that so, in his own time, he might fulfil the counsel of his will, in showing undeserved mercy unto all: i.e. unto both Jews and Gentiles; first the Jews, and then the Gentiles; an... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:33

In this and the following verses is the conclusion of all that he had delivered, especially in this and the two preceding Chapter s. He had spoken of many profound mysteries, and answered many critical questions; and here he makes a pause, and falls into an admiration of God, his abundant wisdom and... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:34

i.e. Who knoweth what God is about to do? Or who hath given his advice about the doing of it? This is taken out of ISAIAH 40:13,14.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:35

q.d. If any man hath obliged God, by any thing he hath done for him, he shall have an ample reward: alluding (as some think) to JOB 41:11. But seeing this cannot be, and that God is indebted unto none, therefore the salvation of all is of mere grace and mercy; and there is no cause of complaining, i... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:36

FOR OF HIM, AND THROUGH HIM, AND TO HIM, ARE ALL THINGS; i.e. _all things_ are _of him, _ as the efficient cause; _through him, _ as the disposing cause; _to him, _ as the final cause. They are _of him, _ without any other motive; _through him, _ without any assistance; and _to him, _ without any ot... [ Continue Reading ]

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