Wherefore the law is holy; and so the objection, Romans 7:7, was a groundless objection: for though the law were the occasion of sin, or were made advantage of by sin, as Romans 7:8, yet it was not the cause of it; that, on all hands, is acknowledged to be holy, &c. The law; the law in all the branches of it. The commandment; particularly the preceptire part of the law, and every particular precept. Holy, and just, and good: the three epithets here given the law of God may be thus distinguished; it is holy in respect of the ceremonial part, it is just in respect of the judicial part, and good in respect of the moral part of it. Or else the law is holy, as it teacheth us our duty unto God; just, as it showeth us our duty to our neighbour; good, in regard of the effect and end, as it works goodness in the observer thereof, and is conducive to his temporal and eternal good.

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