A famine in Canaan. Elimelech removes to Moab; with Naomi his wife,
and his two sons, who marry Orpah and Ruth there; and die, RUTH 1:1.
Naomi returns to Judah; her daughters-in-law accompany her on her way,
RUTH 1:6. Orpah returns home to her people and gods; Ruth remains,
being con... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHRATHITES; so called, because this _Beth-lehem_ is otherwise called
_Ephrath_ or _Ephratah_, GENESIS 35:19 MICAH 5:2; either from Caleb's
wife of that name, 1 CHRONICLES 2:19, 1 CHRONICLES 4:4, or from the
fertility of the soil about it; which title may therefore be used
here, to show the greatnes... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
OF THE WOMEN OF MOAB; either these were proselytes when they married
them, which may well be doubted, from RUTH 1:15, or they sinned in
marrying them, as appears from DEUTERONOMY 7:3, DEUTERONOMY 23:3 EZRA
9:1,2 NE 13:23, and therefore were punished with short life and want
of issue, RUTH 1:5,19,21.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. Food; so she staid no longer than necessity forced her.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
EACH TO HER MOTHER'S HOUSE; not that they wanted fathers, RUTH 2:11,
but because daughters used to converse more frequently with their
mothers, and to be most endeared to them, and to dwell in the same
apartments with them, which then were distinct from those parts of the
house where the men dwelt.... [ Continue Reading ]
REST, i.e. a quiet and happy life, free from those cares, vexations,
encumbrances, and troubles which widows are in a special manner
exposed unto. SHE KISSED THEM, as the manner there was when friends
parted.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
According to the ancient custom, GE 38, and the express law of God,
DEUTERONOMY 25:5, which doubtless she had acquainted them with before,
among other branches of the Jewish religion, wherein she did instruct
them.... [ Continue Reading ]
GO YOUR WAY. QUEST. Why doth she dissuade them from this journey, and
not rather persuade them to go with her, and to embrace the Jewish
religion? ANSW.
1. Possibly she thought such dissuasion might be the best way to
persuade them, as it oft happens; especially in that sex.
2. She would not have... [ Continue Reading ]
to expect it, or for you to perform it. FOR YOUR SAKES; that you are
left without the comfort of husbands or children; that I must part
with such dear and affectionate daughters; and that my circumstances
are such that I cannot i... [ Continue Reading ]
ORPAH KISSED HER MOTHER-IN-LAW, i.e. departed from with a kiss, as the
manner was, GENESIS 31:28 1 KINGS 19:20.... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO HER PEOPLE, AND UNTO HER GODS; which she saith, partly, to try
Ruth's sincerity and constancy; partly, that by upbraiding Orpah with
her idolatry she might consequently turn her from it; and partly, that
she might intimate to her, that if she went with her, she must embrace
the true God and rel... [ Continue Reading ]
I renounce those idols which my sister hath returned to, and I wilt
worship no other God but thine, who is indeed the only true God.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Is this she that formerly lived in so much plenty and honour? Oh how
marvellously is her condition changed, that she is returned in this
forlorn and desolate condition!... [ Continue Reading ]
NAOMI signifies _pleasant_ or _cheerful_, or _amiable_. MARA signifies
_bitter_ or _sorrowful_.... [ Continue Reading ]
FULL; with my husband and sons, and a plentiful estate for our
support. HATH TESTIFIED AGAINST ME, i.e. hath borne witness, as it
were, in judgment, and given sentence against me, and declared my sin
by my punishment.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]