Banqueting-house, Heb. house of wine, or, by a common synecdoche, of feasting. By which he understands the places in which, or the means and instruments by which, believers receive the graces and blessings of Christ, to wit, the Holy Scriptures, ministers, and public assemblies, and all Christ's institutions. His banner over me; or, to or towards me; by the lifting up or displaying whereof I was invited and encouraged to come in to him, and to list myself under him, as soldiers are by the lifting up of a banner or ensign, of which see Isaiah 11:10, Isaiah 49:22. Was love; the love of Christ crucified, which, like a banner, is displayed in the gospel, whereby sinners are drawn and engaged to come to Christ: see 1 Thessalonians 3:14, 1 Thessalonians 12:32 2 Corinthians 5:14. The motto or device of Christ's banner was not like those of other great generals, a lion, or leopard, or eagle, but love, by which alone Christ made all his conquests.

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