Awake; or, arise; either,

1. To be gone, as being commonly hurtful to plants and gardens; or rather,

2. To come, as the next clause explains it. For both the north wind and the south wind have their several uses in gardens; the former to purge and cool the air, and to bring fair weather; the latter to warm and moisten the earth, and cherish the plants. And these winds may signify the several dispensations either of God's providence, or rather of his Spirit, which is compared to the wind, 1 Thessalonians 3:8, whereby the following effects are produced. My garden: this verse is spoken; by the spouse, as appears from the last clause of it. And she calls the garden both hers and his, because of that oneness which is between them, Song of Solomon 2:16, whereby they have a common interest one in another's person and concerns. That the spices thereof may flow out; that my graces may be exercised to thy glory, the edification of others, and my own comfort. Let my Beloved come into his garden, let Christ afford his gracious presence more and more to his church, and eat his pleasant fruit; and let him delight himself in that service and glory which is given to him, both by the religious worship and by the holy conversations of his people.

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