Song of Solomon 5:1

SONG OF SOLOMON CHAPTER 5 Christ answereth the church's invitation, and showeth her the delight he took in her fruit, SONG OF SOLOMON 5:1. She acknowledges her negligence to Christ in not opening the door, SONG OF SOLOMON 5:2. Of the harsh usage she met with, SONG OF SOLOMON 5:7. She tells the daugh... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:2

I SLEEP, Heb. _I was asleep_, i.e. I was dull, and sluggish, and insensible of his kind expressions and offers of grace. BUT MY HEART WAKETH; yet in my very sleep my thoughts were running upon my Beloved, as is not unusual in such cases, which at last awakened me. Thus she implies the conflict which... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:3

I HAVE PUT OFF MY COAT, my day clothes, as persons use to do when they go to rest. HOW SHALL I PUT IT ON? it is inconvenient and troublesome to do it at this time. Thus she tacitly reflects upon the Bridegroom for coming to her so unseasonably, and giving her such disturbance, and puts him off to an... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:4

MY BELOVED PUT IN HIS HAND BY THE HOLE OF THE DOOR; he assayed to open the door. When his word would not prevail, his Spirit, which is called the finger of God, LUKE 11:20, compared with MATTHEW 12:28, wrought inwardly upon my conscience, and affected mine heart. My bowels were moved for him, with c... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:5

I ROSE UP TO OPEN TO MY BELOVED; I repented of my former drowsiness and neglect, and went forth to receive him. MY HANDS DROPPED WITH MYRRH, i.e. with oil or ointment made of myrrh, which either, 1. She had taken out of her own stock to prepare herself for the entertainment of the Bridegroom; or ra... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:6

WITHDRAWN HIMSELF; denied me his gracious and comfortable presence, as a just punishment for my former neglect and folly. AND WAS GONE; either she repeats the same thing to show how deeply she was affected with it; or this is added to imply that he had not only stepped aside, but was quite gone away... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:7

THE WATCHMEN THAT WENT ABOUT THE CITY; the governors of the church, as SONG OF SOLOMON 3:3, who, though by their place and office they be obliged, to comfort and protect the faithful, do frequently discourage and oppress them, as they manifestly did both in the days of Isaiah, and Jeremiah, and the... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:8

DAUGHTERS OF JERUSALEM; of whom SEE POOLE ON "SONG OF SOLOMON 1:5", SEE POOLE ON "SONG OF SOLOMON 2:7". The church having passed the watchmen, and patiently borne, and in a manner forgotten, their injuries, proceeds in the pursuit of her Beloved, and inquires of every particular believer or professo... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:9

WHAT IS THY BELOVED MORE THAN ANOTHER BELOVED? wherein doth he excel them? which professors of religion might ask, because they were ignorant of Christ's excellency; and true believers might ask it, that they might be more fully informed of it, and might give the spouse occasion to discourse of that... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:10

WHITE AND RUDDY; which two colours rightly mixed together make a face beautiful. Or the _white_ may note his pure and spotless innocency, and the brightness of his glory and majesty, and the ruddy colour may intimate his bloody passion, which made him amiable both to God and men. THE CHIEFEST, Heb.... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:11

HIS HEAD IS AS THE MOST FINE GOLD; it shines like gold, not in respect of the hair, which is black, as it followeth, but by reason of his crown of pure gold upon his head, REVELATION 14:14; whereby she implies that her Bridegroom was a King, which she declared above, SONG OF SOLOMON 5:11. HIS LOCKS;... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:12

HIS EYES ARE AS THE EYES OF DOVES, lovely and pleasant, chaste and innocent. BY THE RIVERS OF WATERS; where they delight to abide, and wherewith they bathe themselves, and wash their eyes; where also their eyes are most lively and beautiful, both by the reflection of the waters, and from that pleasu... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:13

HIS CHEEKS; his face or countenance, an eminent part whereof is the cheeks, in which the beauty or deformity of a face doth much consist. AS A BED; which being higher than other parts of the garden, fitly represents the cheeks, which are higher than other parts of the face. OF SPICES; not of dry spi... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:14

HIS HANDS; the instruments of action and of distribution, which may design the actions of Christ, and particularly his distributing gifts and graces to his members. AS GOLD RINGS SET WITH THE BERYL; beautiful and precious, and richly adorned, as it were with gold rings set with precious stones. HIS... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:15

HIS LEGS; the instruments of local motion, and the supporters of the body. AS PILLARS OF MARBLE; white, and straight, and well shaped, and strong; which may note the firmness and stability of Christ's kingdom in spite of all opposition. SET UPON SOCKETS OF FINE GOLD; which add both beauty and streng... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 5:16

HIS MOUTH IS MOST SWEET, which was said before in other words, SONG OF SOLOMON 5:13, and is here justly repeated, because it was a principal part of Christ's beauty, and the chief instrument of the spouse's comfort and happiness, which wholly depends upon his sweet and excellent speeches, his holy p... [ Continue Reading ]

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