Song of Solomon 6:1

SONG OF SOLOMON CHAPTER 6 An inquiry after Christ, SONG OF SOLOMON 6:1. The church's answer, SONG OF SOLOMON 5:2. The church confesseth her faith in Christ, SONG OF SOLOMON 6:3. Christ showeth the graces of his church, SONG OF SOLOMON 6:4, and the beauty of several parts, SONG OF SOLOMON 6:5. He acq... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 6:2

The spouse had hitherto been at a loss for her Beloved, but having diligently sought him, and inflamed both her own and others affections with love to him by her just commendations, now at last she meets with a gracious answer from God, directing her where to find him, which also comes very seasonab... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 6:4

THOU ART BEAUTIFUL, O MY LOVE: these are the words of Christ, who had now again manifested himself to his church; whereby he declares, that though he had for a season hid his face from her, yet still he retained a sincere and fervent affection to her, and that, notwithstanding her manifold infirmiti... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 6:5

TURN AWAY THINE EYES FROM ME, for I can scarce bear the lustre of them. It is a poetical and amatorious expression, signifying how beautiful the church was in Christ's eyes, and how passionately he loved her. THY HAIR IS AS A FLOCK OF GOATS THAT APPEAR FROM GILEAD: this clause, and the whole followi... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 6:8

THREESCORE QUEENS, AND FOURSCORE CONCUBINES; a certain number for an uncertain. The sense seems to be this, There are many beautiful queens and concubines in the world, in the courts of princes, and particularly in Solomon's court; but none of them is to be compared with my spouse, and my heart is s... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 6:9

IS BUT ONE; the only beloved of my soul, my only spouse, in comparison of whom I despise all others. SHE IS THE ONLY ONE OF HER MOTHER; of Jerusalem above, which is the mother of us all, GALATIANS 4:26. Or if this seem to confound the mother and daughter, the words may be thus rendered, SHE IS THE O... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 6:10

These are the words, either, 1. Of the Bridegroom; or, 2. of the queens and concubines last mentioned, as praising of her. And they are either words of inquiry, or rather of admiration and commendation: WHO, i.e. what manner of person, is this? how excellent and glorious! and so this pronoun who is... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 6:11

I WENT DOWN, to wit, when I went away from thee. So this is an account of the reason of his former departure from her. Or, _I am come down_ to visit thee, _my garden_, SONG OF SOLOMON 4:12. Either way these are the words of the Bridegroom. INTO THE GARDEN OF NUTS; in which nuts and other fruits are... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 6:12

OR EVER I WAS AWARE; I was surprised with a sudden and vehement desire of enjoying my spouse; which is to be understood figuratively, and so as to agree with the majesty and omnisciency of Christ. MY SOUL MADE ME; I made myself; which may signify Christ's activity in stirring up his affections to th... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 6:13

RETURN: Christ recalls his spouse, who as when Christ was gone she pursued after him, so now when Christ was coming or come to her, she was ready to wander and go astray from him, according to the common and corrupt disposition and custom of mankind; and therefore he seeks to stop or to reclaim her,... [ Continue Reading ]

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