Thou art beautiful, O my love: these are the words of Christ, who had now again manifested himself to his church; whereby he declares, that though he had for a season hid his face from her, yet still he retained a sincere and fervent affection to her, and that, notwithstanding her manifold infirmities, she was yet beautiful in his eyes. Tirzah; a very pleasant city, as its very name signifies, and therefore made the royal seat of the kings of Israel; of which see 1 Kings 14:17, 1 Kings 15:31,33 16:6, &c. Comely as Jerusalem; which was beautiful, both for its situation, Psalms 48:2, and for its goodly buildings, especially the temple. See Lamentations 2:15. Terrible; either,

1. To strangers, whom by her grave and, majestic looks and carriage she affrights from rude or bold attempts, whereas some women invite others to familiarity with them by their loose and wanton carriage. Or,

2. To her enemies, whom God will certainly destroy.

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