Song of Solomon 8:1

SONG OF SOLOMON CHAPTER 8 The church expresseth her desire of familiarity with Christ, SONG OF SOLOMON 8:1, by the entertainment she would make him, SONG OF SOLOMON 8:2,3. She charges the daughters of Jerusalem not to disturb her. Beloved, SONG OF SOLOMON 8:4. A commendation of the church for her fa... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:2

BRING THEE, with joy and triumph, as the bridegroom was usually brought to the bride's house. See PSALMS 45:14,15. INTO MY MOTHER'S HOUSE; either, 1. My mother s-inlaw, my husband's mother, as the custom was, GENESIS 24:61 JUDGES 12:9. Or, 2. My own mother s, to show her extraordinary respect and a... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:3

The same expressions are used SONG OF SOLOMON 2:6. The sense is, He would not despise me for my forwardness in showing my affections to him, as men commonly do in like cases, but would kindly accept of my love, and return love for it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:5

WHO IS THIS THAT COMETH UP FROM THE WILDERNESS? These Words are repeated from SONG OF SOLOMON 3:6, SEE POOLE ON "SONG OF SOLOMON 3:6". This and the next clause are the words either, 1. Of the daughters of Jerusalem, or the friends of the bride and Bridegroom, admiring and congratulating this happy... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:6

SET ME AS A SEAL UPON THINE HEART, AS A SEAL UPON THINE ARM: these are undoubtedly the words of the bride. The sense is, Let thy mind and thy heart be constantly set upon me, let me be engraven upon the tables of thine heart. He seems to allude to the engraven tablets which are frequently worn upon... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:7

It is the nature of love in general, and of my love to thee, that it cannot be taken off, neither by terrors and afflictions, which are commonly signified in Scripture by _waters_ and _floods_, PSALMS 32:6, PSALMS 52:7, and elsewhere; not by temptations and allurements. Nothing but the presences and... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:8

These are manifestly the words of the bride, still continuing her speech. The present church, which was that of the Jews, speaks of another future church, which was to consist of the Gentiles, which she calls LITTLE, because she was the younger sister, and then scarce had a being; and she calls her... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:9

This seems to be Christ's answer to the foregoing question of the Jewish church concerning their sister church of the Gentiles, for which they were very solicitous. Christ therefore engageth himself to take care of her, and to provide for her, as the matter doth require, and as suits best with her c... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:10

These seem to be the words of the Jewish church to Christ: O Lord, by thy grace I am what thou wouldst have my sister to be, a wall, and therefore do humbly beg and hope that, according to thy promise to her in that case, thou wilt build upon me a palace of silver. MY BREASTS LIKE TOWERS; which stan... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:11

BAAL-HAMON; a place not far from Jerusalem, where Solomon had, as it seems, a noble vineyard. EVERY ONE WAS TO BRING A THOUSAND PIECES OF SILVER; whereby he signifies both the vast extent of the vineyard, which required so many keepers, and its singular fertility, which afforded so great a rent.... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:12

MY VINEYARD; my church, which is oft compared to a vineyard, and is here opposed to Solomon's vineyard. It is much doubted and disputed whether this verse be spoken by Christ or by the spouse; the first clause seems to agree best to the former, and the following clause to the latter. Possibly the di... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:13

THOU THAT DWELLEST: the Hebrew word is of the feminine gender, which plainly showeth that Christ speaks hero to his spouse, being about to depart from her for a season, as the next verse showorb. IN THE GARDENS; not in the wilderness of the world, for believers are chosen or _called out of the world... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 8:14

Seeing we must part for a time, make haste, O my beloved Bridegroom, and speedily finish the work which thou hast to do in the world, that so thou mayst take me to thyself, that I may live in thine everlasting embraces. The words of this verse are borrowed from SONG OF SOLOMON 2:17. where they are e... [ Continue Reading ]

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