SONG OF SOLOMON CHAPTER 8 The church expresseth her desire of familiarity with Christ, Song of Solomon 8:1, by the entertainment she would make him, Song of Solomon 8:2,3. She charges the daughters of Jerusalem not to disturb her. Beloved, Song of Solomon 8:4. A commendation of the church for her faith in Christ, Song of Solomon 8:5. She prayeth for full assurance of his love; her invincible desire, Song of Solomon 8:6; which is insatiable, Song of Solomon 8:7. The calling of the Gentiles, with their intent, and her condition, Song of Solomon 8:8. Christ's coming prayed for, Song of Solomon 8:14. Oh that thou wert as my brother, most intimate, and free, and familiar with me, as brethren and sisters commonly are, that sucked the breasts of my mother! that came out of the same womb, and sucked the same breasts, and consequently were brother and sister by father and mother too; for such are most dear to one another. See Genesis 43:29 Deuteronomy 13:6. Heb. sucking the breasts, &c.; so she wisheth that he were as a little sucking brother, with whom she might innocently and inoffensively delight herself, as sister: do with such a brother. The church here expresseth her passionate desire of a stricter union and closer communion with Christ than yet she had attained. And in particular these may be the breathings of the ancient Jewish church after Christ's incarnation, whereby he was to be their brother, Romans 8:29 Hebrews 2:11,12, and a sucking infant. Without; in the open streets; I might then express my affections to thee, and kiss thee openly, without any scandal or contempt. Or, without, i.e. come forth from the Father's bosom into the world, 1 Thessalonians 16:28. I would kiss thee; I would demonstrate my reverence, and subjection, and affection to thee, of all which kissing was a token in those times and places, as hath been oft observed in divers foregoing texts. Yet I should not be despised; then should I not be ashamed or censured, as if I had done an indecent or immodest action, because such expressions of love are usual amongst persons so nearly and dearly related.

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