Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: these are undoubtedly the words of the bride. The sense is, Let thy mind and thy heart be constantly set upon me, let me be engraven upon the tables of thine heart. He seems to allude to the engraven tablets which are frequently worn upon the breast, and to the signet on a man's arm or hand, which men prize at a more than ordinary rate, as appears from Jeremiah 22:24 Haggai 2:23, and which are continually in their sight. For love, my love to thee, from whence this desire proceeds, is strong as death; which conquers every living thing, and cannot be resisted nor vanquished. Jealousy, or zeal; my ardent love to thee, which also fills me with fears and jealousies, lest thou shouldst bestow thine affections upon others, and cool in thy love to me, or withdraw thy love from me; for true believers are subject to these passions. Cruel, Heb. hard; grievous and terrible, and sometimes ready to overwhelm me, and swallow me up; and therefore have pity upon me, and do not leave me. Are coals of fire; it burns and melts my heart like fire.

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