Titus 2:1

TITUS CHAPTER 2 TITUS 2:1 Directions given to Titus both for his doctrine and life. TITUS 2:9,10 The duty of servants. TITUS 2:11 The gospel teacheth all men to renounce wickedness, and to lead sober, righteous, and godly lives. That is, preach those things which agree with that doctrine which is so... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:2

OLBGrk; THAT THE AGED MEN BE SOBER: by the word presbutav seems here to be signified elders in age; he would have Timothy preach that these should be nhfalioi, _sober, _ both as to body and mind: we met with the word before, 1 TIMOTHY 3:2,11. GRAVE; of a modest, composed behaviour, not light and ai... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:3

OLBGrk; THE AGED WOMEN LIKEWISE; that is, do thou also teach the women that in age exceed others. THAT THEY BE IN BEHAVIOUR AS BECOMETH HOLINESS; en katasthmati ieroprepeiv to be in their habit becoming holiness. The word is of a very large signification, it signifies state, gesture, and habit; we... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:4

THAT THEY MAY TEACH THE YOUNG WOMEN TO BE SOBER: young women, especially conversing amongst heathens, are prone to be light and airy, and over frolicsome, following the heat of their youthful temper, and forming their converse after the manner of others; which is a behaviour, though it may suit thei... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:5

OLBGrk; TO BE DISCREET; swfronav the word signifies temperate, and imports an ability to govern all our affections and passions. Discretion is but one piece of the fruit. CHASTE; the word signifieth pure as well as chaste, and chastity only as it is a species of purity. KEEPERS AT HOME; house-wives,... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:6

The word signifieth to be temperate, sober, wise, discreet, to govern their passions; an exhortation more specially necessary for young men, whose natural heat inclineth them to passion and rashness.... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:7

OLBGrk; IN ALL THINGS SHOWING THYSELF A PATTERN OF GOOD WORKS: he is an ill teacher of others who teacheth them not by his own example, as well as by his doctrine; for that physician proves ordinarily little valued in his prescriptions to his patients, whom they know to be in the same danger, and si... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:8

OLBGrk; SOUND SPEECH, THAT CANNOT BE CONDEMNED: Paul (as yet) seemeth to be directing Titus as a minister, and the rest of the ministers in Crete, how to behave themselves in the ministry, for the last word being plural, _you, _ signifieth either the ministry, or else is put for thee; he would have... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:9

EXHORT SERVANTS TO BE OBEDIENT UNTO THEIR OWN MASTERS; the apostle directeth as to servants of all sorts, whether bond or free, otherwise than that by covenant they have obliged themselves to men, he willeth they should be obedient to the commands of those who were their legal masters, neither think... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:10

OLBGrk; NOT PURLOINING; nosfizomenouv the word signifieth taking something away from others to our own use, and it signifies properly the taking not the whole, but a part of a thing; it is used to signify the sin of Ananias and Sapphira, who kept back part of what they sold their estate for, ACTS 5... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:11

The gospel of our Lord Jesus, which containeth the glad tidings of salvation, is not now hidden, and obscurely delivered, as in the times of the Old Testament; but is risen up as the sun, or some bright star, directing all men their duties in their several stations, that is, all sorts of men amongst... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:12

TEACHING US THAT, DENYING UNGODLINESS; all atheism or false religion, living without regard to any Divine Being, or according to our own erroneous and superstitious conceits and opinions of him. AND WORLDLY LUSTS; and such inclinations, and unlawful desires, and lustings after secular things, as are... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:13

OLBGrk; LOOKING FOR THAT BLESSED HOPE; the object or end of our hope, the salvation of our souls, GALATIANS 5:5 COLOSSIANS 1:5. AND THE GLORIOUS APPEARING OF THE GREAT GOD AND OUR SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST; and in order thereunto, looking for the coming of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ, to... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:14

OLBGrk; WHO GAVE HIMSELF FOR US; which great God and Saviour Jesus Christ was not only sent and given by the Father, 1 THESSALONIANS 3:16, but freely gave up himself to be incarnate, and to die for us, uperhmwn, in our stead to die. THAT HE MIGHT REDEEM US FROM ALL INIQUITY; that by that price he mi... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:15

THESE THINGS SPEAK, AND EXHORT; whatsoever I have in this Episple said unto thee, I have therefore spoke, that thou mightest speak to the same sense to others, and persuade them to the practice of them. AND REBUKE WITH ALL AUTHORITY; when thou hast occasion to reprove any for their errors, do not do... [ Continue Reading ]

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