Titus 3:1

TITUS CHAPTER 3 TITUS 3:1,2 Christians are admonished to be subject to civil powers, and of a peaceable and quiet demeanour. TITUS 3:3 They are saved from their sins by God's mercy through Christ, but must maintain good works. TITUS 3:9 Genealogies and contentions about the law are to be avoided, TI... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:2

OLBGrk; TO SPEAK EVIL OF NO MAN; Greek, to blaspheme no man. Blasphemy is a speaking evil, whether it be applied to God or man, though use hath so obtained, that we only in common discourse speak of blaspheming God. TO BE NO BRAWLERS; to be no fighters, (amacouv) neither with hands nor tongues. BUT... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:3

FOR WE OURSELVES ALSO WERE SOMETIMES FOOLISH; without any knowledge, wisdom, or spiritual understanding. DISOBEDIENT: the word signifieth as well unbelieving as disobedient, neither persuaded to assent to the truth, nor yet to live up to the rule of the gospel. DECEIVED by the deceitfulness of sin.... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:4

OLBGrk; KINDNESS; crhstoths the word signifies one's easiness to do good to another; that native goodness that is in God, rendering him inclinable to love, and prone to do good unto the sons of men. This was in God from eternity, but _appeared_ in his sending Christ, and then his Spirit, and in the... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:5

NOT BY WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH WE HAVE DONE; _not according to our works,_ 2 TIMOTHY 1:9, whether ceremonial or moral. BUT ACCORDING TO HIS MERCY; but from his own bowels freely yearning upon persons in misery. HE SAVED US; he hath put us into a state of, and given us a right to, eternal salvat... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:6

Which Holy Spirit, as well for the renewing of us, as for the collation of more common or extraordinary gifts, God poured out upon us ABUNDANTLY, THROUGH the merits and mediation of JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOUR.... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:7

THAT BEING JUSTIFIED BY HIS GRACE; that, through the free love of God, having the guilt of our sins removed, and the righteousness of Christ reckoned to us for righteousness, WE SHOULD BE MADE HEIRS; should, through adoption, be made _children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ,... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:8

THIS IS A FAITHFUL SAYING: we had this phrase before, 1 TIMOTHY 1:15, 1 TIMOTHY 3:1 4:9 2 TIMOTHY 2:11. It may be applied to what went before, or what follows. AND THESE THINGS I WILL THAT THOU AFFIRM CONSTANTLY; this is the doctrine I would have thee preach, maintain, and stand to. THAT THEY WHICH... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:9

BUT AVOID FOOLISH QUESTIONS; in the discharge of thy ministry meddle not with idle questions, 2 TIMOTHY 2:23, tending to no godly edifying. AND GENEALOGIES; and sifting out genealogies, 1 TIMOTHY 1:4. AND CONTENTIONS; and strifes about words, or things unprofitable; PERVERSE DISPUTINGS, and _opposit... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:10

OLBGrk; A MAN THAT IS AN HERETIC: two things make up a heretic according to the common acceptation of the term now: 1. An error in some matters of faith. 2. Stubbornness and contumacy in the holding and maintaining of it. Whether it so signified so early I cannot tell; it seems to refer to the fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:11

OLBGrk; IS SUBVERTED; ezestraptai, is turned out of the true and right way and road; AND SINNETH, and is a transgressor, BEING CONDEMNED OF HIMSELF, condemned of his own conscience; for he who spends his time about questions and genealogies, and strifes of words, and little questions about the law,... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:12

Of ARTEMAS we read in no other place, but of TYCHICUS often; they were both ministers, one of which Paul intended to send to take care of the church in Crete, in the absence of Titus, whom he would have come to him to Nicopolis, where he designed to take up his winter quarters; but being very loth t... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:13

Of this ZENAS we read no more in holy writ, but of APOLLOS we read both in the Acts, and 1 CORINTHIANS 3:4,5,22: it seemeth they were about to go to Paul to Nicopolis. THAT NOTHING BE WANTING UNTO THEM; the apostle would have Titus take care that they might want no necessaries that might accommodate... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:14

AND LET OURS ALSO; either those of our order, ministers of the gospel, or those that are Christians. LEARN TO MAINTAIN GOOD WORKS; in the Greek it is, to excel, or to be in the front, or to show forth, or maintain, and each sense hath its patrons of note. FOR NECESSARY USES; for the necessary uses o... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 3:15

GREET THEM THAT LOVE US IN THE FAITH; that love us as we are Christians, in and for the gospel. GRACE BE WITH YOU ALL. AMEN: the free love of God be thy portion, and the portion of all the Christians in Crete. IT WAS WRITTEN TO TITUS, ORDAINED THE FIRST BISHOP OF THE CHURCH OF THE CRETIANS, FROM NIC... [ Continue Reading ]

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