Zechariah 10:1

ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 10 God is to be sought unto, and not idols, MALACHI 10:1,2. As he visited his flock for sin, so will he save and restore them, MALACHI 10:3. ASK: it was a time of great scarcity with the Jews while the temple and city lay waste, and the prophets from God assure them it is for negle... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:2

THE IDOLS; images which before the captivity they venerated, and at them consulted their idols about plenty er barrenness, and concerning future events, JUDGES 10:14 ISAIAH 19:3. HAVE SPOKEN VANITY; their predictions were vain, nothing of certainty in them. THE DIVINERS, soothsayers, and consulters... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:3

MINE ANGER WAS KINDLED; though it was justly kindled against all, yet it was more hot and fierce against the chief sinners among them. AGAINST THE SHEPHERDS; officers in church and state, who neglected to keep the flock from straying, who were ringleaders in idolatry and soothsaying. I PUNISHED THE... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:4

OUT OF HIM, or out from him, from Judah, rather from the God of Judah, CAME FORTH THE CORNER, which in buildings is strength and beauty; here it is the prince or ruler, which is in a polity as a corner-stone in buildings. OUT OF HIM THE NAIL; from God the nail which fastens the tents of war, or fast... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:5

THEY, the Jews under the conduct of their captains, such as the Maccabees, shall be as mighty men; shall be valiant, mighty warriors, shall take cities, and beat down those that oppose them, and, as usual in such cases, tread the conquered as mire in the streets: THEY SHALL FIGHT thus valiantly and... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:6

I WILL STRENGTHEN THE HOUSE OF JUDAH: God will give both courage and strength, courage to attempt, and also strength to go through and finish the attempt; in this they of the house of Judah were famous in the wars of the Jews against the Seleucidae, in which wars they had wonderful difficulties, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:7

EPHRAIM: see MALACHI 10:6. Shall be like a mighty man, see MALACHI 10:5. THEIR HEART SHALL REJOICE AS THROUGH WINE; which warmeth the blood, cheereth the spirits, and adds life greatly, where a good and joyful success concurreth, as here it doth. THEIR CHILDREN SHALL SEE IT, AND BE GLAD; either thus... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:8

I WILL HISS FOR THEM; though they are now scattered far off, I will cause them to return; I will whistle, as a shepherd, and they, as scattered sheep, shall run with sped back to the flock: I called their enemies so once, and they came, ISAIAH 5:26, ISAIAH 7:18,19; and MY PEOPLE will come when thus... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:9

I WILL SOW THEM: it might seem impossible the Jews should so increase, but to satisfy us herein God promiseth to sow them, so their increase should be like the increase of rich soil that hath much seed cast on it, JEREMIAH 31:27 HOSEA 2:23; that land shall soon be full of men and cattle, when God so... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:10

I WILL BRING THEM AGAIN ALSO OUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT; into which doubtless some hasted by an early flight from the Babylonians before they wasted Canaan, and others fled though forbidden, JER 43; where also in after-days some Jews sought a repose, and where they wonderfully increased, if Josephus's... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:11

The former part of this verse might be read in the preter-perfect tense, reporting what God hath done, and perhaps more agreeably with the context and design, which is no doubt to confirm the promise, and make it credible, though so many and great difficulties render it unlikely to reason: I will, s... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 10:12

I WILL STRENGTHEN THEM: see MALACHI 10:6. IN THE LORD, their God, in Christ, say some; and it is true enough, whether these words so mean or no, God and Christ are the strength of the church, and of all believers. THEY SHALL WALK UP AND DOWN, shall manage all their affairs, civil and military, secul... [ Continue Reading ]

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