Many nations, and great, Heb; it implieth both multitudes and greatness of nations; or, heathen and Gentiles, as the word beareth. Shall be joined to the Lord; become proselytes, inquire for, adhere to, and worship the God of Israel. In that day; when God shall lift up his hand for his people against their enemies, as Esther 8:17; when Christ shall be come in the flesh, and Shall take down the partition wall. Shall be my people; covenant people, to love, fear, worship, and obey Christ. I will dwell in the midst of thee: see Malachi 2:10. Thou shalt know: see Malachi 2:9, The Lord of hosts, the sovereign Lawgiver, and Almighty Ruler of heaven and earth, hath sent me, the Messiah, and Zechariah his servant, unto thee, Jew and Gentile.

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