I will shake, or lift up, mine hand, my power and strength, upon them; against the nation and kingdom that doth violence to the people who are my glory, and I am theirs, saith the Lord. They, those people who comply not with him whom God sendeth, shall be a spoil, shall be overthrown and spoiled, and become a prey, unto their servants; the Jews, who were first spoiled by and then made servants to the nations who conquered, captivated, and hardly used the Jews; and indeed this was fulfilled in Esther's days, and in the Maccabees times. And ye, either Jews, or heathen, or both, shall know, be convinced and own it, that the Lord of hosts, the great and faithful God, hath sent me, hath commissioned Christ to inform them, who are to make their choice what to do herein. I will shake, or lift up, mine hand, my power and strength, upon them; against the nation and kingdom that doth violence to the people who are my glory, and I am theirs, saith the Lord. They, those people who comply not with him whom God sendeth, shall be a spoil, shall be overthrown and spoiled, and become a prey, unto their servants; the Jews, who were first spoiled by and then made servants to the nations who conquered, captivated, and hardly used the Jews; and indeed this was fulfilled in Esther's days, and in the Maccabees times. And ye, either Jews, or heathen, or both, shall know, be convinced and own it, that the Lord of hosts, the great and faithful God, hath sent me, hath commissioned Christ to inform them, who are to make their choice what to do herein.

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