Zechariah 6:1

ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 6 The vision of the four chariots, MALACHI 6:1. By the crowns of Joshua the high priest are showed Christ the Branch, and his church and kingdom, MALACHI 6:9. AND I TURNED, AND LIFTED UP MINE EYES: see MALACHI 5:1. THERE CAME FOUR CHARIOTS: the appearance or emblem is plain enough,... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:2

There is no distinction made between chariot and chariot, nor any mention made of the drivers of these chariots, though these are included in the chariots. Now by the different colours of the horses doth the prophet distinguish the chariots, and possibly that is all intended by the various colours,... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:3

WHITE HORSES; joyful and prosperous affairs: see MALACHI 1:8. GRISLED AND BAY; state of affairs mixed of good and bad: see MALACHI 1:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:5

THESE ARE, signify, or are the emblems of, the four spirits, Heb. _winds_, to which the empires are compared, DANIEL 7:2, and for the bustlings of them may be well compared so; and forasmuch as they are raised by the Lord, and are under his command, may properly enough be called WINDS OF THE HEAVENS... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:6

The angel signified by the BLACK HORSES the executioners of God's just displeasure against sinners. WHICH ARE THEREIN; in the second chariot, for nothing is said more of the first, (the red horses,) say some, because that bloody and cruel state was expired; but the sad things portended by the black... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:7

THE BAY WENT FORTH, from the place where the prophet saw them at first standing as at the starting-place, AND SOUGHT TO GO, either asked commission or waited for it, _that they might walk to and fro through the earth_: they had a larger commission, say some, the whole earth; or a particular commissi... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:8

THEN, when the prophet had been informed about the former vision, CRIED HE; the Angel that talked with the prophet, i.e. the Lord Christ, spake aloud. and called to him. THESE THAT GO, or are gone, for he speaks of what was already past; it is likely he meaneth the red horses. TOWARD THE NORTH COUNT... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:9

AND: it appears not that this next thing hath any necessary connexion to that which the prophet last saw. THE WORD; the direction or command for the prophet to do something out of hand. AND: it appears not that this next thing hath any necessary connexion to that which the prophet last saw. THE WORD... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:10

TAKE, gold and silver, of those that are come out of Babylon lately, to make their oblation to the Lord, or to bring the oblation of them who yet were in Babylon, but remembered Jerusalem and the temple. AND COME THOU; go fetch them if they lodge elsewhere, and bring them in thy company. THE SAME DA... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:11

THEN TAKE SILVER AND GOLD: this reiterating the command both confirms and explains the former command. MAKE CROWNS; two, the one of silver, the other of gold. SET THEM, put both of them, i.e. one after the other, UPON THE HEAD OF JOSHUA, who now in this circumstance stands a type of Christ, King and... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:12

SPEAK UNTO HIM; Joshua, but in hearing of others, and in the name of the Lord. BEHOLD; consider thoroughly the import and meaning of this unusual ceremony. THE MAN; thou, Joshua, art the type or figure, but he that is the man signified by thee, is that great person God hath promised, and you do expe... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:13

EVEN HE SHALL BUILD: the promise is repeated to settle the Jews in the assured expectation of the thing. THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD; your material temple as type, and the spiritual temple as antitype. HE SHALL BEAR THE GLORY of both kingly office and priestly, the glory of both those crowns shall abide... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:14

THE CROWNS; those two crowns before mentioned, made of the gold and silver brought from Babylon, MALACHI 6:11. SHALL BE TO HELEM, & c.: these persons we know no more of with any certainty but their names. FOR A MEMORIAL, of their incredulity, say some, of their liberality, say others; but these crow... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:15

This verse hath certainly a double reference, one to the Jews, and the building of the material temple, which is the literal and historical sense; the other mystical, and refers to the bringing in of the Gentiles. THEY THAT ARE FAR OFF; such Jews as do now abide in Babylon and Persia, or other remot... [ Continue Reading ]

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