The bay went forth, from the place where the prophet saw them at first standing as at the starting-place, and sought to go, either asked commission or waited for it, that they might walk to and fro through the earth: they had a larger commission, say some, the whole earth; or a particular commission to keep their rounds in the land of Judea, and to take care of their affairs for the comfort of that people. He said, Christ, who hath all power in heaven and on earth, Get you hence; stay no longer here, hasten to your charge; as you have desired, so do. So they walked to and fro through the earth; they obey immediately, and do his commands. These bay horses are here represented as attempting, or making essay, which at first seems to take little effect, though at last, by a full commission empowered, they do succeed in the attempt. This might give ground to suppose here is some kingdom aimed at, which made some attempts to enlarge itself through all the earth, but failed in its attempt, which no wonder, since the angels which were to assist were not commissioned to walk through the whole earth, and they keeping to their commission gave no further help, for want of which the design failed. How far this may concern Goths and Vandais, or any more late empires and kingdoms, I have neither skill nor will further to inquire. Nor yet to inquire whether these bay horses were not emblems of angels employed by the Lord, in the government of the rest of the kingdoms of the world remote from Judea, but not remote from God's wise and sovereign providence governing all the earth. The known empires here are supposed to have been managed by particular angels, represented according to the analogy between the colours of the horses and the complexion of the kingdoms. And it may seem likely that the rest of the world was not left without some to have care of them.

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