But I scattered them; when they had so provoked me, I cast them out of their habitations, pursued them with the tempest of wrath that scattered them as I threatened. With a whirlwind; irresistibly, suddenly, and tearing all into pieces, as whirlwinds do. Among all the nations; all the heathen, that hated them and their ways. Whom they know not; where they could have no pity, nor any relief, nor common commerce; but as barbarous usage as fierce and unintelligible enemies can give them. Thus the land, once flowing with milk and honey, once full of cities, men, and cattle, now waste as a wilderness, was desolate after them; either the Jews cast out, or the Chaldeans who cast them out. No man passed through nor returned: it was not fit to make a road through a land so void of all necessaries, so full of wild and ravenous beasts, so unwholesome as to the air, &c. For they, sinful Jews by their sins, fierce Chaldeans by their sword, and God by his just displeasure, laid the pleasant land most desolate and waste.

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