1 Samuel 10:13. “When he had made an end of prophesying.” “The gift, therefore, in his case, was transitory, not permanent, as in Samuel’s: compare the case of Eldad and Medad, and the other elders, as contrasted with that of Moses” (Numbers 11:25). (Wordsworth). “The high place,” whence the prophets had just descended. “Saul went up thither to pray and sacrifice in the holy place after his great experiences of the Divine favour and goodness, and so after his return home first to give God the glory before he returned to his family-life. He joined the descending company of the prophets in their solemn procession; but when his participation in the utterances of the prophetic inspiration were over, his look rested on the sacred height whence the men had descended, and the impulse of the spirit of the Lord forced him up thither, that, after the extraordinary offering he had made with the prophets, he might make the ordinary offering, and engage in worship.” (Erdmann).

1 Samuel 10:16. “Of the matter of the kingdom … he told him not.” “This is to be referred, not to Saul’s unassuming modesty, humility, or modesty (Keil and Ewald), or prudence (Themius), or apprehension of his uncle’s incredulity and envy, but to the fact that Samuel, by his manner of imparting the divine revelation, had clearly and expressly given him to understand (1 Samuel 9:25; 1 Samuel 9:27) that it was meant in the first instance for him alone, and that it was not the Divine will that he should share it with others.” (Erdmann).

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