Exodus 11:1-3

CRITICAL NOTES.— Exodus 11:1. Said unto Moses.] Kalisch renders the verb here as a pluperfect, “had said;” and concludes that the object of these verses is to account for the utterance of the final threat before Moses leaves the presence of Pharaoh:—as though God had previously said this to Moses; a... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 11:4-10

_MAIN HOMILETICS OF THE PARAGRAPH.— Exodus 11:4_ THE LAST PLAGUE THREATENED I. IT WAS TO BE SOLEMN IN ITS ADVENT. “About midnight I will go out into the land of Egypt.” This plague was threatened (Exodus 4:23), and is at last to be executed. God is slow to anger. Human life is precious in His sight... [ Continue Reading ]

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