Isaiah 44:8. Fear not, neither be afraid, &c.

Boldness for God, and boldness in dealing with God, should form part of the Christian character; and the Word of God, from the beginning to the end, encourages this Christian boldness. We are repeatedly exhorted to “fear not,” to “be of good courage.”

1. Because they are few in number and “peculiar.” Many are called, but few are chosen. “Fear not, little flock,” &c.

2. The result of this is that they have always been a persecuted people (Genesis 5:29; Isaiah 41:10).

3. Because they are called to live not by sight, but by faith, and therefore to make present sacrifices (Matthew 19:2; Philippians 3:4).

II. WHY THEY SHOULD NOT FEAR. Because the Lord thus argues with, us: “Have not I,” &c. God challenges man to deny this fact, that He knows the end from the beginning, and has proved that He knows it by foretelling the end from the beginning. [1414] This is the manner in which God argues in other passages (Isaiah 42:9; Deuteronomy 28:47; Matthew 26:31). So, again, the Lord has foretold to us everything that is required for our deliverance in the advent and work of Christ (Isaiah 9:6; Zechariah 13:7; Daniel 9:26; Isaiah 53:5). These prophecies have been fulfilled to the very letter. Hence, God knows the end; foresees the means, and exercises control over those means. Everything that happens, great or small, is under the control of God, and therefore we have nothing to fear, because we are in His hands who “doeth all things well.” In this manner we find the argument used (Isaiah 51:12).

[1414] See also Isaiah 44:7: “And who, as I, shall call,” &c. Foreknowledge is the exclusive prerogative of God; it is exemplified in the prophetic history of His people; it extends to things remote as well as near; it supplies a strong argument for unwavering confidence.—Lyth.

III. THE PERSONAL APPEAL WHICH THE LORD MAKES TO HIS PEOPLE. “Ye are even my witnesses,” thus urging upon them, by the strongest possible personal appeal, to bear testimony to the fact that He is their God for ever and ever. He would have all His people speak of His faithfulness (Isaiah 43:10). The duty from which many shrink, from a want of simple courage. Many ways in which we may be witnesses.

1. By a consistent life. Should be a “living epistle.”
2. By speaking for the cause of truth and holiness.
3. By zeal for the salvation of souls.

Are you amongst the real witnesses for God?—M. Villiers, M.A.: The Pulpit, vol. lxix. pp. 129–134).

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