Isaiah 60:12. The nation and kingdom that will not serve Thee shall perish, &c.

I. True religion is essential to the welfare of a nation. But what is human welfare? What is that state to which we can, with full satisfaction, attach the idea of well-being? In a word—what is happiness, that object which all desire, and seek and strive to obtain, &c.? Legislation, &c., will not affect the solid welfare of a nation. Facts confirm what reason had anticipated, that true religion is the only foundation of a nation’s welfare. The reasons of the fact arise from the very nature of the case in the operation of moral causes. What the religion of the Gospel teaches and does, &c.
II. By what means may we most effectively endeavour to realise the welfare of our country, and that as the fruit of its religion? All Christians are called to promote the conversion of sinners, the more expansive holiness of believers, and the universal glory of their Lord: in a word, to make the nation Christian, by making the persons who compose the nation such. Respecting the selection and applica-of the particular methods for this purpose, the new Testament allows very great latitude provided that grand principles be preserved—

(1) Spirituality;
(2) simplicity;
(3) liberty.—J. P. Smith, D.D., LL.D.: Pulpit Memorials, pp. 59–75.

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