Isaiah 66:8. As soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth, &c.

That we may obtain a clear, comprehensive, and impressive view of the doctrine involved in this declaration, let us inquire—I. What does this travail of the Church imply? Intense prayerful desire for the salvation of souls; a strong and unwavering faith that souls will be saved when the right means are used, &c. Will manifest itself in various ways. The Word of God, and the annals of the Church furnish numerous and stimulating illustrations. What do you know of this travail? II. Why is it necessary?

1. God has so appointed it.
(1) It is the order of nature. Lies at the basis of all secular success—if there be no labour there will be no profit, &c.
(2) As in the natural so in the spiritual world. The history of the Church is a continuous illustration. Equally true with individuals.
2. The appointment is highly advantageous, e.g.—

(1) Exercises the graces.
(2) Qualifies for the proper nurture of the offspring. III. How can it be realised? Not by simply desiring it, &c. Such is the constitution of the mind, that if you want to awaken concern respecting any subject, you must fix your attention upon facts adapted to induce it. No laek of facts suited to awaken intense longing for the salvation of souls. When this concern is awakened, take care that it is cherished. IV. What will be the result? The rapid increase of the Church (see context). When the Church is really anxious for conversions to Christ, sinners will soon become anxious to be converted. What a privilege and responsibility is placed in our hands! Conclusion: Are you deeply concerned for your own salvation, &c.? (See Dr. Jenkyn’s, “The Union of the Holy Spirit and the Church,” pp. 265–288; C. H. Spurgeon, “Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit,” No. 1009).—Alfred Tucker.

Isaiah 66:8. I. Zion’s increase. Unprecedented. Sudden. Extensive. Certain. Continuous. II. The effect of Divine power in conjunction with human efforts.

Isaiah 66:10. I. The consolations awaiting Zion. II. The joy of those that love her.—Dr. Lyth. (See outlines on Isaiah 54:1; Isaiah 60:8.)

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