PART V. (D.)

1. The disciples in the world, and the world’s attitude toward them (John 16:1).

The Promise of the Comforter.

2. To comfort them in view of coming trial the promise of the Paraclete is given more fully, and His relation to the world is set forth (John 16:7).

3. His enlightening influence on the disciples themselves (John 16:12).

4. Christ must depart, but the disciples’ sorrow shall be turned into joy when they more fully realise the Father’s love to them in Him (John 16:16).

5. The disciples profess their faith in Jesus as the Son of God, and are warned that their faith would have to stand the test of trial; but that, although shaken, it should not be overthrown, for Christ has “overcome the world” (John 16:29).

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