The Preacher's Homiletical Commentary
Zechariah 13:7-9
Zechariah 13:7.] A new turn, rather abruptly, to the Messiah, who is designated shepherd] and fellow] lit. the man of my union, i.e. not a neighbour, but conjoined, closely related. Man] Heb. mighty man, “by way of eminence” (Virum cohærentem mihi.—Vulg.) Sword] Figure of any means for taking human life (cf. Exodus 5:21; 2 Samuel 12:9; 2 Samuel 11:24). Wicked Jews intended (cf. Psalms 17:13), and regarded as asleep, therefore summoned to perform the deed. Turn] Interpose in favour of the little ones (Isaiah 1:25).
Zechariah 13:8.] Bringing back the hand explained. “The dispersion of the flock will deliver two-thirds of the nation in the whole land to death, so that only one-third will remain alive” [Keil].
Zechariah 13:9. Fire] Severe affliction, to refine and purify (cf. Isaiah 48:10; Jeremiah 9:6; Malachi 3:3). The result, mutual intercourse and confidence between God and his people. Everything is included under these phrases (cf. ch. Zechariah 8:8; Hosea 2:2; Jeremiah 24:7).
These words are a direct prophecy concerning the sufferings of the Saviour, and are appropriated by him to himself (cf. Matthew 26:31). We condense and arrange Wardlaw’s thoughts on the subject.
I. The viotim smitten. First, the official character. “My shepherd.” The designation presupposes a flock, and Jehovah’s flock. A shepherd and a flock are essential to each other. The shepherd here is one who fulfils a shepherd’s functions by the appointment of another. He had himself a proprietary right in the flock as well as he for whom he acted; but here he appears, as elsewhere, in the capacity of a servant. Jehovah many times represents his people—both the typical and the spiritual Israel—under the image of a flock. Here they are his flock, cared for by a deputed guardian and guide. Under the character of a shepherd Messiah is repeatedy predicted (Ezekiel 34:23; Isaiah 40:10). Then we have the personal aspect. “The man who is my fellow.” Various renderings have been given to the words: the man, my companion; my friend; my associate; my confidant; my equal; the man whom I have associated with myself; the man who is united to me. They convey the idea of communion, fellowship on equal terms, union, equality (cf. John 10:27; John 14:9). Since Jehovah himself declares this “man” to be his fellow, we shall not rob him of his own appropriate and exclusive glory by rendering homage to Christ according to his own representation.
II. The deadly stroke. The “sword” here invoked, under a bold figure, is the sword of Divine justice—of punitive, retributive righteousness (cf. Deuteronomy 32:40; Jeremiah 47:6; Ezekiel 21:1). It is addressed as slumbering, and summoned to “awake.” The language is prophetic, and looks forward “to the fulness of time” when the “man”—Jehovah’s fellow—was to appear. Manifestations of God’s justice had been seen, but from the entrance of sin into the world this sword might be said to have slept in its scabbard. Now the law must be vindicated, a nobler victim smitten; not sinners themselves, but their willing and Divine substitute. The smiting, then, includes all the sufferings—the substitutionary and atoning death of Jesus. Jehovah himself summoned the sword. “He bruised him.” “He put him to grief,” &c. Yet were all in the strictest sense voluntary. Jesus undertook the task with the full view of all it would cost. “Lo, I come,” &c.
III. The twofold result. First, “the sheep shall be scattered.” We are naturally led to see by the language of our Lord that the “scattering” from him of his adherents and friends—which formed a part, and to a spirit of sensibility like his not a trifling one, of his sufferings—was included in this prediction (cf. Matthew 26:31). The verse which follows relates to the dispersion of the mass of unbelieving Jews—an act of judicial vengeance for their unbelief and rebellion. The second result is, “I will turn (or turn back) my hand upon the little ones.” “The little ones” here describes tender affection (cf. Matthew 18:6; Matthew 18:10; Matthew 18:14). Jesus appeared to his disciples, and accosted them as “children” and “little children.” The language is that of love and kindness, not, as some think, that of threatening and judicial severity. The hand is that of God; the “little ones,” children of God in Jesus Christ; and it is “turned,” or turned back, “upon them” for gracious care and protection. The hand of avenging justice had smitten the victim and was fully satisfied, but these “little ones” were set free. They may be scattered for a time, but not lost. He will “turn his hand” to gather, bless, shield, and save them. The fulness of blessing rests in Jehovah’s favour.
These words predict the destruction of two-thirds of the inhabitants of Judea, by famine, pestilence, and wars; but the remaining third part, after severe testing and affliction, will come out of the furnace a spiritual and purified people, enter into a new relationship with God, and enjoy all the blessings of his covenant. The former part has been fulfilled; the latter part is carried on now, and will terminate in the conversion of the Jews to God.
I. Some are destroyed. There will be a frightful sweep of judgments, and “two parts therein shall be cut off, and die.” In the visible Church there is a mixture of good and bad, sound and unsound. When God tests the Church by affliction, many are proved unworthy; receive not the correction, but harden themselves, and perish in their sin.
II. Others are preserved. “The third part shall be left therein.” They will pass through the fire, and be refined as silver and gold by the process. The process is slow, but the issue certain, even with the Jews. How is it in our afflictions? All will have to pass through the fire. The reprobate metal will be cast away, the genuine gold will be refined and ennobled. “Afflictions sent by Providence melt the constancy of the noble-minded, but confirm the obduracy of the vile. The same furnace that hardens the clay liquefies gold; and in the strong manifestations of Divine power Pharaoh found his punishment, but David his pardon” [Colton].
“’Tis a physic that is bitter to sweet end” [Shakspeare].
The purifying effect of trial will be earnest calling upon God, and reciprocal intercourse with him. “The door of the furnace leads to the closet,” says one. Christians pray best when they have endured trials. We adapt this Outline—
I. The exercise. “They shall call.”
1. How simple is true prayer! A “call,” not in pompous tones nor lengthy words. “The simplest form of speech that infant lips can try.”
2. How earnest is true prayer! A call, an intense feeling for God, a crying out for his help.
3. How constant is true prayer! “They shall call.” A constant practice with them.
4. How sure the ground of true prayer! “On my name.” Not a venture, not an uncertain cry for pity, but a personal, believing application to God who answers.
II. The mutual joy. First, God says, “It is my people,”—chosen to stand in special and loving relation to him. He spares them in trial, and fits them for their high destiny. He turns to them in covenant grace, and with renewed and complacent delight “lifts upon them anew the light of his countenance.” Second, they renounce their unbelief, and cling to him. Weaned from idolatry by affliction, they declare in gratitude and humility, “Jehovah is my God.” They not only worship him above other gods, but own him as their portion. His favour to them is life, and his loving-kindness is better than life. His gifts are precious, but he himself exceeds them all. “Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.”
Zechariah 13:7. The little ones. How amazing is this promise of God, when we contemplate this hand in its omnipotence, and think at the same time on our own utter insignificance, our deep unworthiness, our woeful weakness! We count it much to stoop one day in the year to be little with little ones. God stoops anew from time to time to bless the most humble with special favour. Christ preached the gospel to the poor; chose his first subjects from fishermen and publicans. Animating truth! Almost before we are aware of our lost and low condition the outstretched hand presents itself, a token and pledge of communion, strength, and guidance. What evidence more clear that he has no thoughts of anger towards us? In the aid which our fellow-men render there is alternately much hardness and much weakness, so much unwillingness and distrust, that it is often better to be forsaken than surrounded by men. But God’s tender hand brings balm to the most painful wound wrought by men’s hands, and our littleness or weakness, if possible, brings us yet more within his beneficent reach. May this, so rich a fountain of consolation, ever be to us a sanctifying thought! We must stoop low ere we can taste the consoling truth. Humility is the foundation of all spiritual blessings; nay, God himself can build upon no other. Direct yourselves constantly to this promise. Though he may turn his hand upon the little ones, it is not, as some think, that they may always remain weak and little, but grow in the knowledge and grace of Christ. Show, then, that his hand is not stretched out to you in vain, and in turn be followers of God by your care over the little ones that surround you [J. Van Oosterzee].
Zechariah 13:8. Learn—
1. In the times of severest judgments upon the visible Church, God may have a few preserved. “The third part shall be left.”
2. Although these few may be preserved, they will not be entirely free from trial. They must be tested and exercised in the fire. “I will bring the third part through the fire.”
3. The design of this trial is to purify them from dross, and make them shine the brighter in God’s service. “I will refine them as silver,” &c. “Fiery trials make golden Christians.”
To them a God. I will be that wherein they shall be satisfied; I will be all things that men righteously desire: life and health, and food and abundance, glory and honour and peace and all things [Augustine]. The promise is oftentimes renewed through the prophets, oftentimes fulfilled in Christ, whenever the Church is recalled from listlessness by fiery trials, and through them her children are restored to deeper devotedness and closer union with God [Pusey].
Zechariah 13:7. Little ones. Louis IX., king of France, was found instructing a poor kitchen-boy; and being asked why he did so, replied, “The meanest person hath a soul as precious as my own, and bought with the same blood of Christ” [Arvine].
Zechariah 13:8. Fire. I remember some years ago I went into a glass-house; and, standing very attentive, I saw several masses of burning glass, of various forms. The workman took a piece of glass, and put it into one furnace, then he put it into a second, and then into a third. I said to him, “Why do you put this through so many fires?” He answered, “0, sir, the first was not hot enough, nor the second, and therefore we put it into a third, and that will make it transparent.” Thus we must be tried and exercised with many fires, until our dross be purged away, and we are made fit for the Master’s use [Whitfield].