1 Chronicles 29:18

I. David knew the transcendent importance to a human society of having always before them in good times and in bad, in darkness and in light, in trouble and in joy some memorial, imperishable and beautiful, of their fathers and of their God. This he held the Temple would be. But he was far too wise a man to think that the noblest monument was power of itself. He does not pray that the Temple may keep God in people's hearts, but knowing well the uses of the Temple, he prays that God will keep it and the building of itin their hearts, and he proceeds, "and prepare their heart unto Thee."

II. The Temple can do nothing by itself. But God can make His people with the Temple to be far greater and nobler than ever they could be without it, and that is why God uses temples and all such things for lifting man from the dust to the heavens. It is not God's way to effect anything for souls or for societies by external means, not even of a Divine nature. It is not God's way to put down some glorious work, powerful in operation, upon the ground for men to gather round it, and be affected by it, and go away and be different men. The men must bring something there too. They must communicate something to each other. In all things, great and small, living men must live with and for men, in the assurance that life is the aim of God, not merely order.

Archbishop Benson, Boy Life: Sundays in Wellington College,p. 148.

References: 1 Chronicles 29:20. S. Minton, Church Sermons,vol. i., p. 119. 1 Chronicles 29:21. Preacher's Monthly,vol. vi., p. 40. 1 Chronicles 29:28. J. Edmunds, Fifteen Sermons,p. 151. 1 Chronicles 29:29; 1 Chronicles 29:30. Christian World Pulpit, yo\\. win.,p. 193. 32 E. H. Plumptre, Expositor,2nd series, vol. ii., p. 437.

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