1 Kings 19:4

1 Kings 19:4 I. The wish for death, the weariness of life, is a phenomenon extremely common, and common because it arises from a multitude of causes; but those causes all run up into this, that, as Scripture expresses it, "man is born to sorrow, as the sparks fly upward." Rebuke this feeling as you... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 19:8

1 Kings 19:8 I. It was no wonder that after such a day as that on Carmel, so glorious and so exciting, there should be a violent reaction affecting the whole system of a man. It was no wonder that the mind of Elijah should be greatly discouraged because the instant result of the miraculous fire had... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 19:11,12

1 Kings 19:11 In the wilderness God taught Elijah a lesson which was quite new to him, and which is a lesson for all time. He taught him that if it were His good pleasure to restore His worship among the apostate Israelites, it would not be by earthquake or fire, but by the gentle influence of His... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 19:11-13

1 Kings 19:11 I. It was a strange work to which Elijah was called when he was bidden to defy the king of his land, to mock the priests of Baal in their high places, and finally to destroy four hundred of them. The glory of the service consisted in this, that it was the victory of weakness over stren... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 19:12

1 Kings 19:12 Most of us make a mistake as to the way in which we expect God to speak to us. We look to find it in something great and magnificent. We should like to be spoken to by a prodigy. But God is too great to do that. He does all His works in the simplest manner possible; therefore He spea... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 19:12-16

1 Kings 19:12 I. Consider the character of Elisha. He is not a dwarfed and flaccid Elijah. The "still small voice" of which we read just before his call is the emblem of the younger prophet. Gentleness is his characteristic help, and deliverance and salvation are his work. His very name signifies ... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 19:13

1 Kings 19:13 It has been more than once observed that some of the men who, as we say, most distinctly leave a mark on their age, are liable to great changes of spirits, alternating between buoyant enthusiasm and something like despair. The great effort which rivets the attention of the world, which... [ Continue Reading ]

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