1 Peter 2:6

The Divine Foundation.

I. Jesus Christ as the foundation-stone. This means that Jesus is (1) the cardinal truth of the Christian system; (2) the central truth of Christianity; (3) the all-comprehensive truth of Christianity.

II. Jesus Christ is the corner-stone, or the harmonising truth, of Christianity. He is the corner-stone (1) of the religions of the world; (2) of Christian doctrines; (3) of Christian Churches.

III. He is the sure foundation. "Whosoever believeth in Him shall not be confounded."

J. C. Jones, Studies in First Peter,p. 251.

I. Jesus Christ is the corner-stone, uniting Jews and Gentiles. (1) Jews and Gentiles met in His person. (2) They had a place in His ministry. (3) They are united in the Church He established.

II. Jesus Christ is the corner-stone, uniting men and angels.

III. He unites God and man (1) in His person; (2) in His ministry; (3) in His Church.

J. C. Jones, Studies in First Peter,p. 271.

Reference: 1 Peter 2:6. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xxiv., No. 1429.

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