1 Samuel 13:8-10

1 Samuel 13:8 _(with 1 Timothy 1:16)_ King Saul had been expressly charged to await the coming of the prophet to offer an offering in Gilgal. It was a trial of fidelity and obedience. If Saul really believed that the direction was from God, and if he was really anxious to obey God, he would have w... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 13:9

1 Samuel 13:9 Saul is an instance of a man whom God blessed and proved, whom He put on his trial, and who, like Adam, was found wanting. If he had waited one hour more before offering the sacrifice, he would have been saved this sin; in other words, he would have succeeded in his trial instead of f... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 13:13,14

1 Samuel 13:13 I. The impression which Saul makes upon the average reader, at least at first, is beyond all question a favourable impression. He had many of those qualifications which always go to make a man popular. (1) His personal appearance was such as commands admiration from a large number of... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 13:14

1 Samuel 13:14 This expression clung to David, as "The Friend of God" became the title of Abraham. Yet no words have given rise to so many fierce invectives; none perhaps carry on their front more serious difficulties. We must remember in connection with this title and David's apparent unworthiness... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 13:22

1 Samuel 13:22 The history of the relations of the Jews with their neighbours and their foes is typical of the existing relations of the Christian and the world. This history is therefore a personal matter to all of us. The wretched Hebrews had been disarmed by the Philistines, their most persisten... [ Continue Reading ]

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