1 Samuel 17:45

I. In the battle of life good men have to fight a powerful foe. (1) In the battle of life we have to contend with numerous adversaries. (2) In the battle of life we are often hindered by those who ought to help us. (3) In the battle of life we are animated by various feelings. (4) In the battle of life past victories strengthen us for future conflicts.

II. In the battle of life good men need Divine assistance. David's dependence on God was right for four reasons. (1) It ensured the right help for the combat. (2) It awakened a right spirit for the combat. (3) It led to a right selection of weapons for the combat. (4) It secured a right issue in the combat.

Parker, City Temple,vol. i., p. 78.

References: 1 Samuel 17:45. J. W. Burgon, Ninety-one Short Sermons,Nos. 04 and 65. 1 Samuel 17:40. J. Vaughan, Sermons to Children,5th series, p. 13. 1 Samuel 17:45. J. W. Atkinson, Penny Pulpit,No. 935; C. Kingsley, National Sermons,p. 242. 1 Samuel 17:45; 1 Samuel 17:46. F. W. Krummacher, David the King of Israel,p. 35. 1 Samuel 17:47. A. G. Brown, Penny Pulpit,No. 1054; Spurgeon, My Sermon Notes,p. 57; T. Coster, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xix., p. 189. 1 Samuel 17:48. J. M. Neale, Sermons in Sackville College,vol. i., p. 192.

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