1 Thessalonians 1:1
I. Thessalonica was a populous and wealthy city of Macedonia. As an
important seaport it was the meeting place of Greek and Roman
merchandise, and consequently the centre of widespread and commanding
influence. Paul had twice attempted to revisit his Thessalonian
friends, but he... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 1:1
I. Here we have the apostolic greeting in its most usual form grace
and peace a blending of the ordinary Greek and Hebrew modes of
salutation, "the union of Asiatic repose and European alacrity," which
by apostolic use has become invested with a significance infinitely
higher th... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 1:4
I. The Apostle shows in these verses on what grounds his knowledge
rested his conviction of the Thessalonians' election the fact and mode
of their being chosen for privilege and duty. He was fully persuaded
of it, both on subjective and on objective grounds. The power and
assuran... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 1:7
I. The Thessalonian converts, having received the Gospel so heartily
and held it so firmly, and having shown the influence which it exerted
over their hearts and lives by their joy in the Holy Ghost, became
ensamples to all that believed in Macedonia and Achaia. Collectively,
fo... [ Continue Reading ]