2 Chronicles 10:8

There were two things that contributed specially to make the life of Rehoboam a failure.

I. He was brought up in the lap of luxury, and that is not good for any man. Had Solomon's son been brought up less luxuriously, had he known something in his early days of real hard work, had he met with difficulties and rebuffs such as fall to the lot of many, he might have turned out a more sensible and successful man.

II. He refused the advice of men who were older and wiser than himself. Evil companionship proved his destruction. We take the colour of the society we keep, as the frogs of Ceylon do that of the leaf on which they sit. Be slow to form your friendships. Endeavour first to take the measure of every man who courts your company.

J. Thain Davidson, Forewarned Forearmed,p. 33.

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