2 Chronicles 36:15
I. Prophecy is as old as the Hebrew nation itself, and indeed far
older. The life of the nation begins with the age of Moses, but Moses
in his writings leads us back to the fountain-head of man's history,
and shows us the first dawn of the Divine revelation, breaking through
the... [ Continue Reading ]
2 Chronicles 36:16
These words contain three facts, and each one is of the greatest
importance. (1) That there was at least, at one time a remedy. (2)
That the remedy went on, and might have been used, for a very long
period. (3) That there came a time when the remedy ceased.
I. All life is remedy... [ Continue Reading ]
2 Chronicles 36:22
I. The name of Cyrus, the point of the compass indicative of his
birthplace, and the direction of his march upon Babylon are distinctly
II. Isaiah describes with remarkable accuracy the personal character
of Cyrus. His warlike spirit, his towering ambition, the rapidit... [ Continue Reading ]
2 Chronicles 36:23
I. The Israelites were to build a material temple.
II. Though we may best seek God in His house, we may find Him
III. God's truest temple is the upright heart and pure.
IV. In striving to hallow in our own mortal bodies a temple for God's
habitation, we shall be jo... [ Continue Reading ]