2 Kings 4:6

I. We see here how exactly the oil matches the capacity and number of the vessels provided. According to the provision made, so was the miraculous gift. This shows us the law of God's dealing with men's souls. He gives grace, but He gives it in measure. He gives grace as much as man is ready to receive; but He requires man to prepare vessels to receive the grace He gives, and to use and not "leave of it."

II. The oil is Divine grace. Our thoughts, our wishes, our purposes, our conversations, our acts, are all vessels into which the grace of God may be poured from the little cruse of our heart, filled with oil at our baptism. As often as we pour Divine grace into the vessels of our daily acts, so long it flows and fills; but if we stay our hand, the oil is stayed.

III. The oil was given to be used; so is Divine grace. If we use what God gives and value it, he who gathers much shall have nothing over, and he who gathers little shall have no lack.

S. Baring-Gould, Village Preaching for a Year,vol. ii., p. 163.

References: 2 Kings 4:6. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xxv., No. 1467; Homiletic Magazine,vol. vii., p. 69. 2 Kings 4:8. A. Edersheim, Elisha the Prophet,p. 91.

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