2 Timothy 2:3
True Bravery.
I. Many a hero in ancient and modern times is glorified, and many a
conquered man is despised, when the so-called hero trusted to his
strength of mind or body, and felt confident of escape or victory.
This is not bravery. To feel sure that for you there is little or no... [ Continue Reading ]
2 Timothy 2:9
The Word of God here evidently means His Gospel; for the word Gospel
occurs in the preceding verse as the subject about which the Apostle
is speaking. And the intention of the Apostle in saying this here is
to prevent Timothy from being discouraged by the fact that he, Paul,
who had be... [ Continue Reading ]
2 Timothy 2:19
I. The whole of a man's peace, and all his security depend upon this:
What is his foundation? It is the plainest of all plain Scriptural
truths, that the only foundation of any soul's safety is the Lord
Jesus Christ. By which is meant, that the groundwork of a man's
salvation is the,... [ Continue Reading ]
2 Timothy 2:20
The Church Visible and Invisible.
The sight of the united body of Christians has led us to speak of what
are called the visible and the invisible Church, in what seems an
unscriptural way. The word Church, applied to the body of Christians
in this world, means but one thing in Scrip... [ Continue Reading ]
2 Timothy 2:21
A Vessel unto Honour.
St. Paul is giving his dying counsels to his dear Timotheus; dictating
them, probably, to Luke, in the Roman dungeon, from which he was to be
released only by his martyrdom. As ever, as in his earliest discourses
and epistles, so here, while the topics are many,... [ Continue Reading ]