Acts 6; Acts 7
From the history of Stephen we learn:
I. That fidelity to truth provokes antagonism; holiness and sin are
mutually repellent; love and selfishness are the opposites of each
other; and sooner or later the followers of the one will come into
collision with the votaries of the... [ Continue Reading ]
Acts 7:44
I. The wandering of the Israelites was all a parable. It was, if we
may trust apostolic teachings, all a Divine shadow of that great
invisible and spiritual society, the yet more mysterious Ecclesia,
"the Church throughout all ages" on its mighty march through time,
with all its attendant... [ Continue Reading ]
Acts 7:47
The Temples of God.
I. The physical creation. "Heaven is My throne; and earth is My
footstool. Hath not My hand made these things?" These words refer
directly to the material creation, and imply that God fashioned the
heaven and the earth to be a temple to Himself, in which He mig... [ Continue Reading ]
Acts 7:56
The Witnesses for the Glorified Son of Man.
I. When Stephen spoke the words of our text, the truth which he had
been proclaiming in all his discourse, which he had perceived to be
the subject and climax of all revelation, presented itself to him just
as actually as any visible thing prese... [ Continue Reading ]
Acts 7:59
I. The faith of Stephen. How was it manifested, and in what respect
may we seek to imitate it? Now, I think we may say that as his faith
was seen in every part of his trial, so most remarkably in the manner
in which he faced death. It was seen in that upward looking of his
soul to G... [ Continue Reading ]