Ephesians 3:8

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ.

I. Paul preached riches.This word represents three things: value, abundance, and supply.

II. Unsearchable riches that is, value not traced by inquiry and investigation. You can very soon search earthly riches; but you cannot, by any use or enjoyment, search the unsearchable riches of Christ.

III. Christ bestows His riches freely; His joy is in communicating of His fulness. He has no wish to keep back anything from us that would do us good. We may stretch out both hands to heaven for all the help we need, and from the riches of Christ we shall have it.

S. Martin, Westminster Chapel Sermons,3rd series, p. 79.

Reference: Ephesians 3:8. A. Maclaren, Contemporary Pulpit,vol. v., p. 15; A. D. Davidson, Lectures and Sermons,p. 275; Smart, Thursday Penny Pulpit,vol. vii., p. 391; G. Brooks, Five Hundred Outlines,p. 356; Preacher's Monthly,vol. i., p. 26; vol. ii., p. 247; Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xiii., No. 745; vol. xx., No. 1209; Ibid., Evening by Evening,pp. 62, 237; E. Blencowe, Plain Sermons to a Country Congregation,p. 33; W. Ince, Church of England Pulpit,vol. ix.,p. 61; Homilist,2nd series, vol. iii.,p. 409; Graham, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xvii., p. 284; E. Aston, Ibid.,vol. xxii., p. 148; Clergyman's Magazine,vol. v.,p. 11.Ephesians 3:8. D. Eraser, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xx., p. 225; Clergyman's Magazine,vol. xii., p. 20. Ephesians 3:9. Claughton, Christian World Pulpit,vol. iii., p. 72; Archbishop Benson, Boy Life: Sundays in Wellington College,p. 354.Ephesians 3:10. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. viii., No. 448; vol. xvi., No. 933.Ephesians 3:11. Clergyman's Magazine,vol. iv., p. 88. Ephesians 3:14. A. Raleigh, The Way to the City,p. 46; J. C. Gallaway, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xiii., p. 88.

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