Ephesians 5:17

Christian Discernment of God's Will.

I. The great thing after which an intelligent Christian should strive as his daily guide in life is, not a diplomatic reference to the literal text of Scripture, still less to this or that tenet or watchword of a party or system, but a large measure of the spirit which was in Christ the spirit of love, and of power, and of a sound mind, that he should walk and live not a fettered man, subject to a few forms of words never perhaps examined as to their true sense, but a free man, consulting and judging and determining for himself by the help of God's word, ready, in case of emergency or difficulty, to act on his own behalf, for the good of others, and for God's glory in all, without that hesitation which sacrifices opportunity, without that scrupulousness which is the death of energy and the worst omen for success; that he should be able to fulfil, at all the turns and occasions of life, that Scripture command, the very secret of all real action and abiding good, "Whatsoever thine hand findeth to do, do it with thy might."

II. Let us not be unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is, as regards our fellow-countrymen. They want the means of grace; let us be wise in time, and supply them. It is our duty to cast aside all punctilious adherence to conventionalities which will repulse them and to try every expedient which God has placed in our power to bring the Gospel of Christ under their notice. We know it to be the only remedy for their social and moral ends; let us be eager and in earnest in applying that remedy.

H. Alford, Quebec Chapel Sermons,p. 80.

References: Ephesians 5:17. T. Arnold, Sermons,vol. ii.,p. 190. Ephesians 5:17; Ephesians 5:18. W. B. Pope, Sermons,p. 231.

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