Exodus 12:2
We have here a new event, a new starting-point a new epoch, and
therefore a new era. That event was an emancipation, a redemption, an
exodus. There were centuries behind of exile and servitude; of that
experience which has been so characteristic of Israel, a sojourning
which was no natu... [ Continue Reading ]
Exodus 12:13
Our interest in the Passover, as in most of the other institutions of
the Levitical economy, consists in its relationship to higher
institutions, and to a more hallowed provision; it consists in the
prefiguration by them of our Surety and Saviour, who is at once the
Surety and Saviour... [ Continue Reading ]
Exodus 12:22
The night of the Passover was "a night much to be remembered."
Wherever a Jew exists it is to this night he points, as the proudest
epoch in his people's history. The feast of the Passover is full of
typical meaning. Notice, first, that this was a little judgment day.
The children of I... [ Continue Reading ]
Exodus 12:30
_(with Matthew 2:15)_
I. We cannot treat the Exodus as an isolated fact in history. Egypt is
the type of the cunning, careless, wanton world, out of which in all
ages God is calling His sons. The Exodus remained a living fact in
history. The infant Jesus went down into Egypt, as the in... [ Continue Reading ]
Exodus 12:42
I. Scholars have said that the old Greeks were the fathers of freedom;
and there have been other people in the world's history who have made
glorious and successful struggles to throw off their tyrants and be
But liberty is of a far older and nobler house. Liberty was born on
th... [ Continue Reading ]