Exodus 28:2
The garments peculiar to the high-priest were four: the ephod, with
its "curious girdle," the breastplate, the robe of the ephod, and the
mitre. (1) The garments were made of linen, typical of the human
nature which Christ wears still in His glorified state. (2) They were
carefully faste... [ Continue Reading ]
Exodus 28:30
A great mystery hangs over these two words, "the Urim and the
Thummim," commonly translated "light and perfection," in the
Septuagint version "manifestation and truth," and in the Vulgate
"doctrine and truth."
I. The stones representing the Church that were borne upon the
high-priest's... [ Continue Reading ]
Exodus 28:36
This plate of pure gold was fastened by blue lace to the mitre, or
turban, or tiara, or linen which was upon the head of the high priest.
With the plate of pure gold upon his forehead, he went in before God
to present the inscription graven there like the engraving of a
signet, "Holine... [ Continue Reading ]