Exodus 28:36

This plate of pure gold was fastened by blue lace to the mitre, or turban, or tiara, or linen which was upon the head of the high priest. With the plate of pure gold upon his forehead, he went in before God to present the inscription graven there like the engraving of a signet, "Holiness to the Lord," to take away the iniquity of the holy things of Israel and to make those holy things, purged from their iniquity, acceptable to God. Consider the subject of holiness.

I. The word is used in three senses in the Bible. (1) Sometimes the word "holy" means that which is set apart, consecrated. In that sense the vessels of the Temple were holy. (2) Sometimes the word signifies the indwelling of the Spirit, with His gradually sanctifying processes. In this sense the Church is holy. (3) There is a still higher sense in which man is perfectly holy. Christ perfects them that are sanctified.

II. The true definition of holiness is the likeness of God. But we cannot conceive of the likeness of God but through a medium, and that medium must be the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever traits we find characterising the life of Jesus, these make up holiness. (1) The life of Christ was a separate life. (2) He always carried about an inner sanctuary in His own soul. (3) The life of Christ had a subdued tone. (4) It was a life consecrated to an object. (5) It was a life of praise.

III. Look upon holiness as an end to be obtained. Do not seek holiness as a means to happiness, but happiness as a means to holiness. Be more careful about the holiness of little things than of great things.

J. Vaughan, Meditations in Exodus,p. 68.

References: Exodus 28:38. Spurgeon, Morning by Morning,p. 8. 28 Parker, vol. ii., p. 229. 28, 29, Homiletic Quarterly, vol. iv., pp. 409, 410. Exodus 29:1. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xx., No. 1203, Exodus 29:12. Parker, vol. ii., p. 237.

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